
Sustainable public health and health care optimization.

The promise of Medistance brand is sustainable social life and development, authentic, competent and value creating representation of the values of sustainable public health. Experience shows that most of the companies perform only campaign, ad-hoc activities in the field of sustainability, so it is inevitable that positive and sustainable results will lag behind. Arranging of the actions in strategy and process is inevitable for successful and sustainable company- and brand management. The main brand values of Medistance are connected with the value system related to continuous sustainability of the required human resources, needed for economic growth.

Instead of disease case appears real health care.

Az egészséggondozás és az adományozás is társadalmi felelősségvállalásnak, befektetésnek tekinthető. A Medistance ezért döntött  2014-ben úgy, hogy a Magyar Adományozói Fórum konferenciának  arany fokozatú partnere lesz.

Medistance works for sustainability with its main activity. Both the individual and the community build on mutual responsibility. Those who use the system can care for themselves and others in their homes, without fuel consumption, pollution of the environment, moving away from their homes and loading the environment, still being not deprived from care based on clinically validated data. Innovation and sustainability are ideas which cannot be separated from each other. Computer devices and internet have received wider and more accepted role and environment in human life, including organization of information and activities related to health care. In the field of health preservation, prevention and controlling of the diseases there are available the technological conditions and professional experience, based on which the new type of mobile, home, community caring model - controlled with preparation of the decisions and process optimization, - has developed and can be efficiently operated in practice.


Really innovative is someone who – besides the technological innovation - can first respond to the real demands of the society.

Innovation and sustainability are ideas supporting each other. Internet and the measuring devices get more and more accepted role in the organization of human life, including information and activities related to health.

In the field of health preservation, there are available the technological conditions and professional experience, based on which the possibilities for propagation of the new type of mobile, home, community caring model - controlled with preparation of the decisions and process optimization, has developed and can be efficiently operated in practice.

Medistance health care system establishes, through innovation, a new kind of social connecting model, and this new health care model optimizes at the social level, too.

The health. Case: public health, healthcare, social responsibility:

The developing community surfaces of the internet have established virtual relation between the people and new communities could have been developed. So humanity arrived at a new age, full of concrete possibilities by health care.

Anticipating this development trend Medistance established its health care system, which - supporting real value catalyzes the establishment of the health communities.


The greatest change has to take place in the heads and not in the technology.

Telemedicine is a health-related activity - where communication based on the traditional doctor - patient consultation, added with transferring health data through electronic systems, and appearance of the doctor are included in an interactive working process (health care, telemedicine and social responsibility.)

Change in the present loading of the health system can only be expected, if the servicing forms outside the institutes, at the care points or at home will develop and become widespread. The social pre-condition of their propagation is given; digital technology is ready to be accepted from the side of the society. The basis of future development will be the technology performing automated processes, controlled by intellect and feelings.

Medistance is unique in offering a full service chain with devices and medical services in a business model, with quality-assured procedures and processes, introduction and solution on the mass market.

Change is only expected in the improvement of life quality and reduction of the national, social and individual loads, when Medistance health care model becomes widespread.